Today’s Hours:


Get a Library Card

Grandmother and granddaughter reading books from the library

Do you need to renew your library card registration? Click here to find out how to do that.

Any resident of a Massachusetts community that is certified with the State is eligible for a library card from the Easthampton Public Library and Museum.

We also honor cards from other public libraries in the CW MARS network. If you already have a card from a library in the CW MARS network, you do not need to register for a new card. Click here to see the list of participating CW MARS libraries. 

In order to obtain a card an adult must provide:*

  1. Proof of current address — driver’s license, utility bill, vehicle registration or another official document that is less than 60 days old and that shows a residential address. Residency is defined as intent to reside at said address for no less than 90 days.
  2. A valid photo ID.

    *If you are unable to provide such documentation due to extenuating circumstances, please discuss your situation with Library staff in hopes that we can reach a resolution.

Any applicants 14 years or younger will need a parent or legal guardian to co-sign their library account. Responsibility for all materials used or borrowed by youth rests with their parent or guardian.

We will check the CWMARS system to verify that the applicant does not already have a library card, whether at their current or previous address. If a record does exist, any outstanding fines or charges exceeding $10.00 must be brought up-to-date before a new card can be issued.

Library cards are valid for a period of two (2) years, at which time the patron will be asked to confirm the personal information which is on file.

It is the patron’s responsibility to inform the library of any change in contact information. Staff will not restrict any materials used or borrowed because of age, origin, background, or views.

Once you have a card, you may login to your library account online and see what you have checked out, renew your checked out items, reserve items to be held at the library for you, or sign up to keep lists of things you’ve borrowed or want to remember for later. Click here to print a “How to use your CWMARS Account” brochure.

Skip to Ages 12 to 18 | Ages 18 and older

JUVENILE: Birth to Age 12

Responsibility for all materials used or borrowed by youth rests with their parent or guardian.

Step 1. Come in person, ready to fill out a Youth Library Card Application with the following information:

  • Your child’s name
  • Your child’s date-of-birth
  • Your child’s current street address
  • Your current phone number
  • You can provide your email address for notification purposes. Click here to see the types of notifications. Please also let us know if you would like emailed checkout receipts by default.
  • You can ask to receive text notifications when your holds are ready for pickup. To do that, we need your mobile number and mobile carrier.

Step 2.
 We will then ask to see the parent or legal guardian’s valid photo ID.

YOUNG ADULT: Ages 12 to 18

Responsibility for all materials used or borrowed by youth rests with their parent or guardian.

Step 1. Come in, call us at 413-527-1031 or email with the following information:

  • Your name
  • Your date-of-birth
  • Your current street address
  • Your current phone number
  • You can provide your email address for notification purposes. Click here to see the types of notifications. Please also let us know if you would like emailed checkout receipts by default.
  • You can ask to receive text notifications when your holds are ready for pickup. To do that, we need your mobile number and mobile carrier.
  • Tell us whether you prefer a key chain card or a wallet card.
  • Tell us whether you would like emailed checkout receipts by default.
  • Tell us if you want to authorize anyone to pick up holds for you. We’ll need to note their first and last name on your account, even if they are a parent/guardian.


Step 2. We also need to see your valid photo ID. This can be a school ID. If you don’t have an ID yet, we will ask to see the ID of your parent or legal guardian. You can show us one of two ways:

Questions? Call us at 413-527-1031, email, or message us on our Facebook page @ewmlibrary!

  • Attach a picture of your photo ID in your email with the above information to
  • Show us in person. If you have already registered by phone or email and are picking up your library card, let staff know that when you arrive.

ADULT: Ages 18 and older

Step 1. Come in, call us at 413-527-1031 or email with the following information:

  • Your name
  • Your date-of-birth
  • Your current street address
  • Your current phone number
  • You can provide your email address for notification purposes. Click here to see the types of notifications. Please also let us know if you would like emailed checkout receipts by default.
  • You can ask to receive text notifications when your holds are ready for pickup. To do that, we need your mobile number and mobile carrier. 
  • Tell us if you want to authorize anyone to pick up holds for you. We’ll need to note their first and last name on your account, even if they are a spouse.
  • Tell us whether you prefer a key chain card or a wallet card.

Step 2.
We also need to see proof of your current address and valid photo ID. If your address is current on your photo ID, we can just look at your photo ID. You can show us one of two ways:

  • Attach a picture of your proof of address and photo ID in your email with the above information to
  • Show us in person. If you have already registered by phone or email and are picking up your library card, let staff know that when you arrive.

Questions? Call us at 413-527-1031, email, or message us on our Facebook page @ewmlibrary!

9 Park Street Easthampton, MA 01027
(413) 527-1031

Holiday Hours:
Monday: 9:30am-8pm
Tuesday: 9:30am – 3pm New Year’s Eve
Wednesday: Closed New Year’s Day
Thursday: 9:30am – 6pm
Friday: 9:30am – 6pm
Saturday: 9:30am-2pm
Sunday: Closed

9 Park Street Easthampton, MA 01027
(413) 527-1031

Monday: 9:30am-8:00pm
Tuesday: 9:30am-8:00pm
Wednesday: 9:30am-8:00pm
Thursday: 9:30am-6:00pm
Friday: 9:30am-6:00pm
Saturday: 9:30am-2:00pm