From the Director:
Dear Library Friends and Followers,
December already! We hope you’re stockpiling many books to read your way through the winter months–we’re buying them as fast as we can! If you need some inspiration, all of our recent displays and special lists can be found here. We’re also working on expanding our Library of (non-book) Things to include more circulating technology.
It’s also the time of year when your lovely local non-profits ask for your financial assistance! If you have already supported us financially this year, we’re so very grateful. If you haven’t yet, but you’d like to make a donation of any size, shape, or frequency, you can do so here. Your support is essential to our excellent operations, and we thank you. (You MIGHT see just one more email from us on this topic–bear with us as we try to make this the best library we can for you!).
As you have probably already seen, we are rolling out a brand new library website, courtesy of the incredibly generous and talented folks at Cider House Media. As with any site launch, there are bound to be some broken links and calendar confusions along the way–please reach out to us if you see anything that needs attention!
The next meeting of the Library Board will take place on Thursday, January 9th, at 6:30 pm, at the Easthampton Public Library. The public is welcome to attend, there will be no public speak. If you or someone you trust is interested in supporting the Easthampton Library as a Board member or Committee member, please reach out! Keep up with Library planning, governance, and more here.
Now, what’s happening here this month?
Events for Adults:
In an effort to provide a broader range of support, we are now offering two Tech Help times weekly! Sign up for a half hour session if you need some one on one assistance.
Easthampton Public Health Nurse Christine Southworth will be joining us on the first Tuesday of the next few months from 1-2pm for drop in support.
While we wait for the light to return, we share cookies! Impress your neighbors with your tested favorites, or try a brand new recipe out of one of our baking books. Come snack and bake away the darkness of winter nights at the Easthampton Library (Almost) Solstice Cookie Swap! Both bakers and ‘taste testers’ are welcome. Beverages and cookie eating supplies will be provided, and there will be a Cookie Decorating Station.
The lovely Brian Mulligan continues to offer not one, but two yoga classes in our downstairs space–Mondays at 6pm and Tuesday mornings at 10am. (Please be advised that the Monday class does not meet on the 4th Monday of the month).
We now have FOUR different book discussion groups AND a Movie Discussion Club! Find out all the details about the Monday Night Book Club, Intersectional Speculative Fiction Club, Easthampton Council on Aging Book Club, Graphic Novel Book Club, and Movie Club. Is one or all right for you?
Working on a family tree? Getting the hang of Ancestry? We offer a monthly Genealogy Help session with Brian Tabor–registration required!
Events for Youth
Join us on December 31 for a special family storytime and craft, featuring the book A Maleta Full of Treasures, by Natalia Sylvester.
Molly the beautiful therapy dog continues her visits on Fridays — sign up for a chance to read to the sweetest golden retriever in town.
Follow us on Facebook or Instagram for our latest updates on programming and new titles. We also welcome suggestions–if you have a book, DVD, or audiobook that you’d like to see in our collection, let us know.
For our full lineup of December activities, check out our Calendar.
We’ll see you soon at the Library!
Happy reading,