Today’s Hours:


Borrowing Material

A couple of young kids enjoying the library

Loan Periods

  • Books, Audio Materials (music CDs and Books on CD) loan for three (3) weeks.
  • DVD sets (tv series), video games, and mobile hotspots loan for two (2) weeks.
  • DVDs and older issues of magazines loan for one (1) week.
  • Museum Passes loan for seven (7) days.
  • Reference materials, Historical Room materials, and newspapers do not circulate.

Eligible items will be granted one automatic renewal. Staff may grant an extra renewal, in person or by phone, as long as no one is on the reserve list for the item.

Museum passes and mobile hotspots may not be renewed.


As of July 1, 2023, the Easthampton Public Library does NOT charge late fees on overdue items. Late fees accrued before this date will still appear on patron accounts. In most cases, staff can waive these remaining fees upon request.

Lost or Damaged Material

If an item is more than 21 days overdue, or is returned with damage beyond normal wear and tear, you will be charged full replacement cost for the item.

You may clear your account by returning the items if you find them, or by paying the billed cost. If the materials belong to another library, checks must be made out to the owning library.

We will not offer a refund if you find the items after paying the replacement cost, so please make every effort to find the items before you pay your bill.

Replacement items may be accepted for lost items with the approval of library staff. We cannot accept replacements for lost items that are owned by another library.

You will be prevented from borrowing any more items when you owe mor

9 Park Street Easthampton, MA 01027
(413) 527-1031

Holiday Hours:
Monday: 9:30am-8pm
Tuesday: 9:30am – 3pm New Year’s Eve
Wednesday: Closed New Year’s Day
Thursday: 9:30am – 6pm
Friday: 9:30am – 6pm
Saturday: 9:30am-2pm
Sunday: Closed

9 Park Street Easthampton, MA 01027
(413) 527-1031

Monday: 9:30am-8:00pm
Tuesday: 9:30am-8:00pm
Wednesday: 9:30am-8:00pm
Thursday: 9:30am-6:00pm
Friday: 9:30am-6:00pm
Saturday: 9:30am-2:00pm